Tech Blog

All I’m doing here is write down how I do things so I can look it up when I forget. And If I can help someone else out with it, Bonus!


06 Jan 2021 Dual Boot (Arch) Linux and Windows on a UEFI HP Machine with rEFInd

Whenever I tried to install Linux alongside Windows 10 on my HP Compaq Elite 83000 it would always boot into Windows. Using a USB drive with rEFInd as first boot option allows to boot both operating systems. It seems that it’s hardcoded into the Firmware to always prefer Windows if available. So in this Post I’ll show how I use rEFInd as my boot manager to make stubborn HP’s dual boot.

14 Dec 2020 Setting up Plant UML on Windows with Atom

PlantUML is a nice tool to create UML diagrams in a markup style way.
In this guide I’ll show you how to set it up for Atom on Windows, whereas the steps are quite similar on Linux or Mac. I think it’s a powerful tool that lets you draw your diagrams quickly.

07 May 2020 How I set up Atom code editor

I use Atom as my main text editor, whether it be for programming web pages, python applications, or writing LaTeX documents and note taking. Here I will list all settings that I change and packages and themes I use.

28 Mar 2020 Installing Alfaview on Arch Linux

Since the whole Corona-Virus self isolation and such, many schools and universities have set up to hold their lectures online.
One Platform to do such a thing is Alfaview, which was chosen by my university for the task.